Thursday, January 15, 2015

Homemade Hand Warmers

I'm still trying to come up with a few ideas for Valentine's Day. Since it's winter and my husband works outside I was trying to come up with something warm. I've made him hats and scarves before and he's all set on gloves soooo what does that leave? Reusable hand warmers. They are simple and easily made with materials that are already in the house.

Homemade Hand Warmers

-Fabric (Flannel or felt would be great but cutting up an old t-shirt or pillowcase works too)

1. Decide what shape you want your hand warmers to be and cut a doubled piece of fabric into it. If you are making them as a Valentine you could always go with a heart shape. I opted for rectangles.

2. Put the two right sides together and sew all along the edges of your shape either by hand or using a sewing machine. Make sure to leave a small section to flip your shape right-side-out and to put the rice in.

3. Flip the shape.

4. Fill with rice and sew up the last section.

You're done! Heat for 30-40 seconds in the microwave and you're set!
Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. I just read your blog from top to bottom, and you have so many wonderful ideas! I love your narrative and creativity. Keep up the good work!
