Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Breathing New Life Into Old Chairs

So it's just a fact. When I go see my mom, I always come home with stuff. Sometimes I need it, sometimes I want it, sometimes I'm confused as to when I agreed to take it. But nevertheless much of the things in my home are my mom's cast-offs. One of these was a pair of old, messed up, pea green chairs. They were your Aunt Mat's and Uncle Turner's, she tells me. Aunt Mat and Uncle Turner are the people that raised my grandma. I hear this and I'm sold. The chairs may not be functional and they may be pea green, but they're something special. I promptly loaded up the car, took them home and stuck them in the basement for about a year. Then one day I decided to figure out how to get these puppies useful again. I started looking up different ways up fixing seats online and found this chair weaving tutorial. That was it! It was time get moving.

So first step, clean 'em up.

Second step, sand down rough edges.

Third step, get painting. (My 6 year old picked this awesome color.)

Fourth step, weave those seats.

When I showed pictures of the finished product to my mom she gasped and told me I had brought new life into those chairs. You can't get a better reaction than that. We now use them every day. In fact, I'm sitting on one right now.

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